It’s cold out there

It seems that every year at about this time Wisconsin hits the deep freeze. So no plein air. It’s a season to work from photo reference, and to develop skills.

Rainbow Unicorn

Our younger granddaughter wants a unicorn. Notwithstanding the Irish Rovers song about them, it’s not a natural subject. This is acrylic on a board, and allows me to combine brushwork and acrylic markers.

Watercolor in progress

I took the picture late last winter before leaves appeared. This may become a series. My first attempt had some success, but I’m not happy with the color selection. Next time I’ll work with a cooler palette.

Museum piece

The La Crosse Children’s museum is asking for submissions for their 25th anniversary. This was taken when our older granddaughter was pretending to drive a boat. There is a strong primary color palette, and the challenge of a face. It’s also a chance to explore undercoats. The fun of acrylics is that you can build up layers.

Three Wisconsin snow scenes and a Mexican sunset.

Stay tuned.

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